a little pork roast snack treat

A little pork roast I snagged at the Fatted Calf store last weekend.

8 thoughts on “a little pork roast snack treat

  1. Maybe the Fatted Calf needs to change their name to the Fatted Piglet? Wow, never seen anything like that before. Mmmmm.

  2. What was the stuffing?
    My imagination is saying a bunch of nicely smoked chile’s partly soaked in beer.
    (ya I day dream lots)

  3. Hey Mike,
    I don’t know exactly what the stuffing was, but I do know FC is huge on the fresh greens. I’m guessing a chard of some fashion. I know it looks like a small stuffin’ there, but it was so rich, juicy and full of goodness. See, I have my vegetable with muh meats!

  4. Sir,
    I want that peice of meat. What exactly do they call that cut………
    And, your supposed to have 2 vegetables, so you will need some katsup.

  5. Hey Salvage,
    2 vegetables? Oh man, I just can’t keep up. And, they call that cut, delicious! I dunno, really. Din’t axe.
    Yeah, it was at least an inch. Small roast, but damned it was absolutely wonderful.