Wordless Thursday

24 hour marinated fancy teriyaki slow roasted halved chicken of love.

biletul zilei cu meciuri din fotbal omnibet biletul zilei de azi la pariuri sportive

6 thoughts on “Wordless Thursday

  1. Wow, so much fun to find you in my reading list this morning. Not a lot of words but a beautiful picture. Does this mean you are emerging from your long absence, or are you just teasing us? 🙂

  2. Hooyah, that tenderly roasted, yet quite flat chicken was very very very good.

    OooOoo, I never tease. I thought I had a grip on posting 3 some odd months ago, thought I had it licked. Apparently I was wrong. Am still taking pictures of food and other things, just posting them on my flickr page instead. As far as getting everything down here, that’s tough. Not sure what the deal is. I do know that the template here has me restricted to images that are 580 pixels wide. And, WordPress automatically makes any image uploaded dull and fuzzy. Yeah yeah, I edit them first and size them appropriately. In any case, it’s really quite frustrating to take the time to capture a stunning image only to have it schmeared for all to behold. xo, Biggles

  3. WordPress template be damned….your photos always make me hungry. Hope to see more soon!

    • Hi Michele !!!

      Thank you so much and it’s great to see you. Hope all is well up there, it’s nice here. All sunny.
      xo, Biggles