Convenience Food Hits New Low!

It’s the health food craze
that’s sweeping the nation.

Found this in a news and sundries
place in the Aladdin shopping bazaar.
You think Munky Boy would like that?

5 thoughts on “Convenience Food Hits New Low!

  1. Okay, so I’ve been looking at this now for two days. I still can’t figure out how … what … I mean, what do people do with … what this is? I’m seeing the words and I’m seeing some product but I’m not seeing how this ends up. I say, cook or peel it, or whatever you do to it, and let us see what the end result is. We have the beginnings, but not the end. And after all, aren’t we all after a little end?

  2. AHHAHHAH, neat. Thanks Mandy. My cholesterol is probably fairly high. But I’m not over-weight, so I’ll stick to MEAT and carrot juice. Lots of carrot juice. With celery and apples … and ginger … and spinach once in a while. But no meat in the juice, that’s a separate deal.
    Dr. B.