I would like to preface this by saying, I love gravy. Meat gravy. Not vegie stock, not tofu gravy. Meat Gravy. This isn’t normal meat gravy either, read on …

At first glance it looks like a standard roast chicken. Sure take it at face value, AND LOSE OUT !!!! Lose out on something special. Lose out on the best damn gravy ever. And after all, isn’t that why we roast meat? Gravy? Yes.
You must start with a decent chicken, this one here is a Rosie Organic Chicken from Petaluma. As far as spices and herbs go, that’s up to you. Extra virgin olive oil and kosher salt is enough for me, but you deal spices and herbs. This baby is sportin’ something special under the hood. Lean in and I’ll tell you. That baby has several slices of bacon stuff under the skin, over the breast meat with fresh thyme and oregano. That’s right, bacon. Oh I know what you’re thinking, not bacon! It’s too strong and fatty. Yeah it’s fatty alright (keeps the breast meat happy), but it isn’t strong. It’s under the skin so it never gets brown. It has a nice flavor that winds up in the pan (that’s where you make gravy).
Please take another close look under the meat. That’s a cast iron trivet. Please use a trivet to keep your meat out of the liquid, you don’t want boiled meat do you? No.

Here it is, GRAVY. After the meat has been removed, I took out all but about 4 tbs of the fat/juice. Sauteed in a bit of garlic and finely diced onion (I was out of shallots), then some flour. Brown that a bit and add chicken broff. Simmer and you have GRAVY !!!!!!! Chicken and Pork GRAVY !!! Add salt and pepper and you done.
I had made mashed taters with steamed carrots, but you don’t need those to enjoy gravy. Meat and bread and gravy are all you need.

One thought on “IT’S GRAVY TIME !!!

  1. I like gravy! I thought gravy had been discontinued though, ’cause I hadn’t seen any on dinner plates anywhere!
    I mean, a lot of places serve what they call “drippings” or “meat sauce” with a main course, but nothing resembling the kind of item you describe here. And most of the time people who invite me over never serve anything like that Primo Petaluma Petafowl in the photo here.
    Your roasted bird looks and sounds delicious! The bacon secret is really neat. Nobody can see it; only taste the results when the cooking is finished. What a sweet surprise!