Jasmine Rice Browned in Butter

Here we see the beginnings of the jasmine rice being browned in butter. Grab yourself a nice heavy cast iron skillet. Melt a nice load of butter in it and toss into a cup of jasmine rice. Keep in mind, this does several things. First it turns normal boring rice into a nutty yummy gift of love. Secondly it gives your cast iron a nice shiny seasoned glow. The latter is very important, just so you know.

Look! Nutty brown buttery rice of love! Who knew white rice could look so good.

Oh my, who knew white rice could ever taste this good.

3 thoughts on “Jasmine Rice Browned in Butter

  1. A guy I used to work with taught me that trick he was a health nut and a runner. He made some ass kickin’ piaf! Then he jogged an aneurysm loose and died at the age of 45.
    But I got that rice browning trick under my belt, yes sir! No boring starchy, steamed rice for old Meatheady Head-Head!

  2. Rice is practically my only food. It likes me; doesn’t turn around and stab me in the back; or set fire to any body parts or turn into petroleum residue somewhere else!
    I didn’t know rice could be starter cooked this way. Or, do you mean that you are cooking the whole thing this way and that is that? No steaming or further fussing, just browning the rice until it is done??????????????? I will have to try it. Now, I can’t wait to try it!