Labor Day Meat FEST 2003

It was semi-early Monday morning when I began getting the meat together for the afternoon delights. The beef ball tip roast I marinated in balsamic vinegar, a nice cabernet, olive oil, spices and a few bay leaves. The pork got slatered in olive oil then some home made mexicanny dry rub and a few more bay leaves. Then over all I ground some fresh cinnamon. Yup. Those are my friend the butcher’s home made hot italian sausages. They are damn fine. The chicken was halved and marinated in fresh lemon juice, ground black pepper and a few other spices.

Here we see our little buddies roasting nicely indirectly with a mesquite fire and hickory chip flavor action.

Anyone got a match?

Oh man, they’re almost done!

They’re done. Meat Head made the corn bread using fresh scratch and BACON FAT !!! Mrs. Head made the macroni salad and I’m mad at myself for not grabbing some to keep at home. I wanted some later wiff hot sauce!

And last but definately NOT least is a cherry crisp made by my dear wife. It was AWESOME. Very cherry like. A nice finish to a meaty day.

2 thoughts on “Labor Day Meat FEST 2003

  1. What a sumptious spread! The beef and sausages had to be super delicious! What I am about to kill for though is the cherry crisp! It is obsessing me to the point that I will have to go to a cherry place after work and get something organically cherry, like a Real homemade pie, (not a store made replica) or tarts or anything Real cherry! I like cherries. I like to eat them straight from the tree. Or, just picked already in their little baskets.
    I never thought of putting cinammon on meat. But it sounds like it works if all the other spices are right! Live to Eat!

  2. Yeah yah know, cinammon works GREAT on meat. Espcecially on pork. It doesn’t take much of course, but it is damn fine.
    And yes, the cherry crisp was lucious as well. M put it together at the last moment while people were chowing down on meat. It was done and cooled in very little time.
    Yawn ! Oh man, time for a sit.