Meatloaf rules for life

Meatloaf can be one of those wonderful comfort foods that nearly anyone can cook. The simplicity is at the heart of this meaty wonder. One can use just ground beef or stir in some ground pork to help out. Emeril adds half & half and stuffs the center with an italian sausage in the casing. I usually just do a few eggs, crumble up some crackers or old bread, herbies with spices. Coat with que sauce or ketchup, install in baking dish and in the oven it goes along with some bakers.
There’s one thing you simply can not leave out, no matter how you make meatloaf. The lack of this turned our meal in to a meat brick. It sat at the bottom of my tummy for over 24 hours, gack.

This all started off innocently enough. Make meatloaf, we’re all tired, it’s easy. And it is, but the lack of fat can ruin it faster than you can say, “I love toulouse sausage grilled over a hickory fire and served with a cold beer every second of my life.”

I thought I was so slick using ground up fish crackers, so cool making a meat mound in a cast iron fry pan and not using a baking dish. It looked so nice, so brilliant with its ketchup perched so high.

Beautiful Meat Brick of no fat.
Damn low fat cows.

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