Ham Hock time of year – Fatted Calf News

Welp, it ain’t summer no more. We’ve just been through our first rain storm of the year and the nights are getting nippy. Plus there’s flippen condensation on the windows of my truck every morning. Makes it darned hard to SEE, even if you hose it off.
I suppose it’s time to keep the fires burning and toss that huge pot of beans on to the stove. Fatted Calf has provided us some fancy Ham Hock action. I’ll surely grab myself at least 2. One for split pea soup and one for some BEANS !!!! Hey, maybe some black eyed peas, yes. It’s all becoming clear to me now, all clear. I’ve got my Meat Goggles on and am ready for action. (Don’t forget to pick up some Andouille too).
onward …

Last week we asked you if you’d become re-aquainted with your oven, and this weeks’ question is related. Have you seen that big ‘ol soup pot lately? The reason we ask is this: we’ve got hocks. Big ol’ honkin’ Ham Hocks. We bet there’s a chance you’ve never cooked with ham hocks before, even though you’ve seen them lurking down near the bottom of our Market Menu. Hey, it’s OK to admit you’re hock-curious, and don’t worry, we’re here to hold your hand, hock-wise. (Great word, “hock”.) So: let’s get down to business.
Get yer hock, and yer soup pot, and prepare for the easiest dose of delicious you’ve seen since Glace de Viande. Split peas. Navy beans. Soup stock. Greens. That’s all, take any item from column A; hell, take 2 items– add a hock, simmer, and get moist, tender bits of ham, and some seriously smoky flavor. You can even use it two or three times before the hock can’t hack it. OK, we’ll stop now. Happy Hocking!
Pork Crepinettes with Greens and Pinenuts
Hot Italian
Sweet Italian
Mexican Style Chorizo
Breakfast Sausage
Pates, Confits & Terrines
Hoffman Farm Guinea Fowl Terrine
Pate de Campagne
Duck Confit
Duck Rillettes
Pork Rillettes
Tonno di Maiale
Cured Meats
Saucisson Sec
Red Wine Salami
Ham Hocks
Stocks & Sauces
Duck Demi
Glace de Viande
Sugo di Carne

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