Holidays over, Farmer’s Market back, Fatted Calf returns!

Artsy fartsy shot alert! Yup, it’s cold & wet outside and we’ve been inside too darned long. I’m ready to take photographs of someting other than family & food, even if it is a stick.
Equipment used: Nikon D70 on tripod sportin’ a AF D 60mm 2.8 micro lens wide open with a kiss of flash.

Ya know, after what Fatted Calf produced throughout the holidays I thought for sure we’d see Taylor at the stall on Sunday looking bruised and haggered from no sleep, with maybe two packages of sausage left. I’m really impressed at the list for this coming Saturday. Especially using some fancy Chanterelles for the pork crepinettes, neat eh? Something else to consider, you really should stop by and pickup a little jar of Duck Demi Glace or the Glace de Viande, two wonderful meat stocks. Adding a dollup of one will make your couscous dish quite special indeed, gravies improve beyond your expectations. Too nice to pass up. You go see, on Saturday.
Xo Xo

Ahhh. Back to Normal. Doncha love it? Yeah, yeah, the holidays are great. The shopping, the cooking, the eating, the gifts,the friends, the family. Don’t get us wrong, we love all that stuff, but it IS nice to have things quiet down a little. It’s been extra-great for Team Fatted Calf to look back on our first full year at the Berkeley Farmer’s Market. It’s where we first met Guy from, Jan from Blue Bottle Coffee, Laurel from Frog Hollow, and all of the kooky BFM regulars. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but right near the top are the hipster guys in flannel shirts and kilts, the couple outfitted in full hiking regalia, down to walking sticks and empty (?) backpacks (“We should be able to make Milvia by nightfall”, we imagine them saying), and the uh, gentleman in the super short,red running shorts; season, fashion, age appropriateness and fitness levels all thrown to the wind. Yup, it’s THE best people watching in the world. As far as the market regulars who actually shop the FC stall, instead of just entertaining us by passing by, there are far too many to name and thank-but please know we appreciate you all, every Saturday, rain or shine. And to show you just how much we do, T & T have whipped up some amazing Crepinettes with Chanterelle mushrooms, and there are still Petite Jambons-for those who missed out over the holidays, or who just need more. And, people, PLEASE, buy some Duck Demi or Glace de Viande, and try it: seriously, you are missing out on one of the easiest ways to make your cooking better if you pass them up.
Also Important: T & T need some serious sun and sack time, so they will be winging down Mexico way. So, then, no Markets for them on Tuesday, 1/11 or Saturday 1/15, but they will be tanned, rested and ready on Tuesday, 1/18.
Saturday, January 8, 2005
Petite Jambon
Pork Crepinettes with fresh Chanterelles
Hot Italian
Sweet Italian
Mexican Style Chorizo
Breakfast Sausage
Pates, Confits & Terrines
Pate de Campagne
Duck Pate
Duck Confit
Duck Rillettes
Pork Rillettes
Pork Confit Terrine
Cured Meats
Garlic Salami
Red Wine Salami
Pancetta Toscana
Other Meaty Goods
Ham Hocks
Duck Demi
Glace de Viande
Sugo di Carne

4 thoughts on “Holidays over, Farmer’s Market back, Fatted Calf returns!

  1. Biggles
    I spent all morning typing up a very complimentary post on my blog about the Fatted Calf (in which you get a namecheck, oh yes) beofre driving over to the East Bay in terrible weather. Scored top notch parking and then imagine my dismay when I found that The Fatted Calf had already sold out and left. Did you have to go and buy everything? ! 🙂 Now they are on vacation and I have to wait a few weeks for a fix. What am I to do???
    I’ll have to get my arse into gear earlier next time. But I wanted to thank you for nagging me to try their products which are fantastic. I see why you rave about them so much.
    Cheers, Happy 2005
    PS at least i got some very nice lemons and a savoy cabbage so it wasn’t an entirely wasted journey.

    Ha, yeah. I got there a little before 10am, he still had a few coolers left. But he wasn’t sportin’ a full load though, at least compared to the holidays anyway. He’d been up really late Friday night, wasn’t up to par on Saturday, then had to cater a party Saturday night, then up with the sun to fly to Mexico for a week. He was probably more than happy to leave early.
    If you have something particular you want, I wouldn’t arrive any later than 11am. 10am is best, I’ve even been left out at that time. No kidding.