A Mawkish Tale of a Chicken and his Master

Why do I go out of my way to buy natural/free range/organic chickens? Two reasons, flavor and how they’re raised. You will not find a quality bird like this in some large chained grocery store, nope. Look at the fat placement and that firm lean breast. Those breasts have seen exercise and good food. Nothing does it for me like a good firm breast. The leg and thigh portions are quite large and healthy. See the lower portion of the leg? The skin is lean and clean of bruises. Go now to the wings, down there. They’re a good size when matched to the proportion of the rest of the beast, it was able to stretch, this is a good thing. Stand back and let the symmetry envelope you, this is an excellent example of how your chickens should look. This chicken will render you any type of preparation you could possibly think of in the grandest of rich chickenny flavors. So, when you’re out searching for a better bird, look at it. Ponder the silhouette, look for even fat placement, search for bruises or broken legs, make sure the wings are topnotch and you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.
Wanna see what it looked like after roasting?

450 degrees F for 1 hour. Between the high heat and the good chicken, the flavors just can’t be reproduced any other way. This is pure chicken with nothing to dissuade. I’ve never had a better chicken wing, juicy and so rich. Between the salt and caramelization of the skin your taste buds don’t stand a chance in hell of being bored for one minute. From the dark meat to the light, from the drum stick to the breast, there are no mediocre parts here pally boy. This chicken is worth eating week after month and never tiring.
How can we upstage this meal? I can’t. Tonight we’ll have cheerios.

19 thoughts on “A Mawkish Tale of a Chicken and his Master

  1. Heh, I don’t think you’re sorry at all. And posts need hijackin’ from time to time, lady.
    Sssshhh, be vawy vawy quiet, my mind is thinkin’.

  2. People don’t talk enough about good fat. I was poking around various food sites the other day and happened across a news article extolling the virtues of pork now that farmers had made it even leaner than before. That just plain depressed me since anyone who knows anything about pig knows that fat = good pig. So, I salute you and your chicken sir!

  3. Hey Monkey,
    Thanks! Speaking of pork fat, I was perusing the net while excedingly bored the other day and happened across something from the u.s. pork council that they’re considering upping the fat content of pork !!! They’ve been getting complaints that pork is too lean now, cool eh?

  4. Doc,
    Sadly, getting a really good chicken requires a special trip, so unless I’m roasting the chicken I just live with the factory bird pieces.[sigh]

  5. If I had oodles of money – perchance to dream, I’d buy a chicken from the local Raley’s, Safeway, and Albertson’s so that we could do a photo comparison to chickies from Rick’s, Whole Foods, and Andronico’s. Real chicken science! Wouldn’t that be cool?

  6. That chicken sure does look good. I confess, I usually buy them at Costco. I do have a rotisserie, which helps keep it moist.
    I wondered if someone was going to comment on that “firm breast” line. You do have a way with words Biggles.

  7. Well, I finally got a typekey account so I could leave you inane comments. You’ve been putting up some fantastic photographs lately dude. Really nice stuff. Keep it up.

  8. Hey Kalyn,
    Dangit, typing your name still trips me up, I keep wanting to put the Y in there before the L.
    Costco is too big and scary for me. I used to go years ago and never spent less than 130 bux. I stay away now, save my pennies for the farmer markets, yum.

  9. Hey Robert,
    Hey foo, you don’t need a typekey account to post here. In fact, I’m attempting to remove it completely from the system. It’s dumb.

  10. Dude;
    I’m about to deep-fry a turkey for tksgiving. I want to inject it with some flavor first, I have heard it’s the best way to go. Do you have any recommendations for what to include in the injection?