Show & Tell Tuesday!

Check out the texture of that reduced red wine pan sauce, perfection +10.
Hi Everyone,
Been kinda slow here on Meathenge lately, just wanted to let you know we haven’t stopped eating. Just not doing much worth posting is all. This time of year I’m too busy to take on new recipes and my normal meanderings throughout town. So, I rely on basic day to day foods to get us by, such as this 3 week aged beef tri-tip roast you see above you. This and lamb and spam sushi await you!

How I ended up with this tri-tip is an odd one. I was on my way home and stopped by Rick’s Meats for a whole chicken for dinner that night. Rick and I talked about smokers and good aged meat. It was at that point his eyes lit up and said, “You need this!” I didn’t get a choice, but I’m glad he thought of me. He’d cut out a tri-tip from a side of beef he’d been aging for 3 weeks, lucky me! This hunk of lovely meat sat in my fridge for a few days, wasn’t ‘seeing’ a recipe yet. Then, it hit me. I wanted something garlicky and red winey with a dash of fresh rosemary. And that’s just what I did, poked holes for the slivers of fresh garlic, rosemary from the garden and a dousing of good cabernet every 15 minutes or so. Roasted at 375 until internal temp of 130, pull and rest 15 minutes. It was just what I needed that day, a peaceful ending.

Next up is the rack of lamby goodness I’d picked up from Ted of Highland Hills Farm. He’s got these grass fed lambs that are absolutely wonderful. After having grass fed goat and lamb, I have to say I’m a huge fan. The meat is so mild and … well, kinda grassy. It’s worth waiting for Ted to be at a market to get some, you’ll see. And speaking of see, check the final meal!

Lamb or no, this was one of the most succulent chops I’ve ever had. It literally pulled apart with a spoon. Rubbed with extra virgin, s&p, rosemary, thyme, savory & the zest of one lemon. Roasted at 375 for maybe 45 to 50 minutes, pulled at about 130. Let it rest and section out your chops.
Today’s Fun Food would be Mama’s Spam Sushi!

No, she didn’t make it. She brought it home from a friend’s daughter’s hula dance recital and promptly chased me around the house with it. I was a good sport though, after she cornered me. I took a bite and it wasn’t nearly as salty and nasty as I would have thought, she finished it up. And this is pretty much how days have been spent around the lab, fun & tasty.

8 thoughts on “Show & Tell Tuesday!

  1. I will pass on the spam sushi, but the first two sound just fantastic. I don’t cook lamb much, but it’s my all time favorite red meat.

  2. “Basic, day-to-day, three-week-aged tri-tip…”
    [rolls eyes. Wait, could you roll them back my way? I can’t see without ’em.]
    I announced to my mom some time back that they’d come out with low-sodium Spam. Her sharp rejoinder: “Let me know when they come out with low-Spam Spam.”
    Your meaty meatiness meals look fab.

  3. Hey Cookie,
    Yeah, ya know that’s how that sentence rolled out. It wasn’t until I read through it a few times that I realized that maybe, just maybe, this might not have been a basic day to day situation.
    Oh well.

  4. I’m completely unqualified to say anything about your tri-tip and chops beyond, “I’m jealous.” I’m almost embarrassed to say that I know quite a bit about spam sushi. In Hawaii, most people call it spam musubi, and it is so popular that even 7-11 sells the little buggers.