Early Sunday Morning and a boo boo for Biggles

Chilebrown called me last night and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up with Cookiecrumb, Cranky and his wife Peggy at the Marin Farmer’s market Sunday morning. Yes! It was nice getting out that early (7:30) on a Sunday morning, felt good. I nabbed this shot while coming back on the San Rafael bridge, pretty huh?
Yeah, yeah, whatever Biggles. You’ve been pretty much gone for the last week and promised a killer pot of beans that I simmered a rack of baby backs in to, where’s that? HUH !?!
Um, well a week ago, my hand “cancer” came back. 3 or 4 years ago the tendons in my right hand and wrist swell up and cause excruciating pain, 24 hours a day and there’s no way to hold it where it doesn’t hurt. Gets worse about midnight, ibuprofen helps. Cain’t even hold a pen, let alone write with it. I’ve been to an MRI, several specialists, so I won’t die or nothin’. But posting here and basic daily routines take a back seat.
So, that’s what that’s all about. Hope to see you all soon!

16 thoughts on “Early Sunday Morning and a boo boo for Biggles

  1. Man, sorry to hear about that. Hopefully it’s something that comes for a short time and goes away for a long time. I have a wrist kinda like that, but thankfully it’s not bothered me for quite some time.
    But I know when stuff like that pops up, EVERYTHING takes a back seat.
    Get better… there’s plenty of time for cooking.

  2. Sorry to hear it came back…I’m particularly frustrated when something BAD drifts away, only to jump at me once again. I guess I feel I’ve already paid those fines, you know what I mean?
    I’ve broken my left wrist twice(the elbow once), and can suffer from peculiar pain. Strangely enough, I find a searing hot water soaked and squeezed wash cloth draped over the area can make the pain disappear…maybe worth a try?

  3. Hope that you’re doing better, by now. That sounds like a real drag. Stay in the back seat as long as it takes (and I’m wishing for you that it’s a short while)!

  4. Hey Everbody!
    Thank you so much for the kind words and thoughts. The hand is still all out of whack and makes editing pictures damned near impossible. Ibuprofen and a brace helps, mebbe I should cut it off?
    xo, Biggles

  5. Naw, do not cut if off. Your boys are the perfect age to get in the kitchen and do your prep work. You can then orchestrate the assembly while popping Ibuprofens and liquid beverages. Just make sure you have your tripod handy if the beverages outnumber the Ibuprofens.

  6. Hmmmm, I think I’ll cut it off. While Tiny is really good in the kitchen, sometimes it’s easier the other way. Ever tried to take a cat out for a walk on the beach?

  7. Dude,
    I hope you dont miss your right hand as much as I would miss my right hand. There are important ‘things’ that I never learned to do with my left…
    Grandma seconds the scalding rag thing, sucks while your doin it though. She always could get me back up on my bad knees in a day or two, although the long term results are unknown.
    We aint 15 no more, so once it starts workin again, make up for lost time.

  8. Maybe try epsom salts, or some diluted pepper juice? I’ve had personal success from the epsom salts, and I’ve hear that the diluted juice with all the capsicum in it can have theraputic benefits… just keep it outta the eyes.
    Be well….

  9. Hay Salvage,
    Amen to that brother. As with last time, my right hand sure comes in handy. Man, I don’t even feel 30 anymore. What’s up with that?
    Like the scalding rag idea, course I like getting my teeth cleaned too.
    Yup, did the epsom yesterdee, was really nice. Swolled up last night though, ouch x5.