Danish Viking-Smoked Sea Salt – Take your time to read over that a few times. Some of you may have heard about Smoked Salt, especially if you’re in the Southern part of the United States. Viking Salt is not standard smoked salt. The process for rendering is unique. This is, hands down, one of the greatest food finds for me this year.
I ordered 5 oz. of this last week some time and knew it wouldn’t be until early this week when it would arrive. I wanted to post about it then, but figured that would be pretty dumb. A few of you I emailed. Well, it arrived last night before dinner and I was giddy with excitement. I was trying to calm myself by saying it might suck, it might be as nasty as Liquid Smoke and I won’t like it. I was wrong.
After ripping open the packaging I opened the neat little corked triangular bottle and stuck my nose in. Pow, I was transported back in time to when I used to have time to go camping and sit around camp fires consisting of oak and other nice hard woods. The blurb on Salt Traders (the only place it is available), mentioned something about adding a bonfire to your food was right on. And it was a good right-on.
First I steamed some fresh brocolli, added a bit of butter and sprinkled on a little Viking Salt. As my eyes rolled back in my head I knew I had found a friend. I next made some mashed potatoes (accidentally added too much butter, oh well) and sprinkled on some Viking Salt. That right there was New Food. I was on a roll so I dug out a fresh pork chop and fried it up in a cast iron skillet lightly buttered with Lard. Browned it very nicely, pulled it, sprinkled it with Viking Salt and let it sit for a few minutes to rest. My hand was shaking as I sliced into the center and cut out to get me a hunk of pork. In I popped it, rolled it around, rolled it around, gleaned some bonfire taste and nearly screamed. This was New Meat. I felt like I had put food in my mouth that no one I knew had ever had. In fact, I probably had. This was truly New Meat.
I suggest you contact Salt Traders right away and get yourself some.
disclaimer-if you are timid in your cooking and with flavors I wouldn’t recommend this product. This smoked salt does have a bold flavor.
Also keep in mind I haven’t had it 24 hours yet and haven’t tried it as a dry rub on meat, which I plan to do this coming weekend. I also recommend breaking down the cystals with a mortar and pestle for sprinkling over hot food.
Only you could make eating salt a pseudo-pornographic story 🙂
Viking salt comes from the sweat on the brows of Vikings!
Everyone knows That!
Vikings live in the Far Far North and they have huge, big weird looking row boats with interesting sails. They also put their women on the front of these boats as navigators, to tell which road to paddle in the ocean. The rowers sweat a lot and there are other women standing around collecting the sweat in little bowls. When the sweat dries, there is salt left over and that is how you get Viking Salt!
OH Babs.
Oh Babs… I know that you would be first in line with her collection bowl to serve the oh so manly, perspiring, flaxen-haired viking dudes.
I’ll have to give it a shot, won’t I?
Yes sir! And you will be a better man for it. I suppose. Well at least you’ll be a happier man. With Viking Salt.
A woman telling a man how to drive???
I am a Danish American who stumbled on to this site
while researching Danmark.
My family originated in the area of Schligels about 100 yrs ago.
The salt sounds great. Hope the legend of persperation is ficational. LOL
WIll look into some soon.
Cheers fellow Danes.