Meathenge Labs Advances

Don’t look bad for Richmond, eh? A handful of seasons ago I bought and had built this “barn”. It’s only 10’x12′ but it holds the crap from our 20’x20′ garage. What this means is, our detached garage is open for my library of cookbooks, records, computers and the boy’s xbox gaming area.
How would you like to wake up each morning to this view? I do. And I want to personally thank Cousin Bob and Uncle Eddy for the job. I had planned on painting it for sure. But after so much time, I realized I was never going to get it done.
I’m happy, pleased and well taken care of.

6 thoughts on “Meathenge Labs Advances

  1. Love it!
    I could just see the pigs and chickens and the farmer with a pitchfork.
    If I could put a red barn on my back deck, or at least the rooftop of the neighboring building, I would in a hearbeat.

  2. Hey Kevin,
    I have to admit, it really does make me feel better just staring at it. At least for now, it’ll prolly wear off soon. Reminds me of staring at a fish tank, same thing.

  3. Dude and Dudess!
    That little barn is Mine! I am a barn person. Can’t you hear my voice singing through the vents, chortling around the straw bales and whistling for my pet horses to come running! Wow, are you lucky! That scene is right out of Vermont,New Hampshire or Connecticut! I would take it in a heartbeat and rent a flatbed to put it on and then drive it around Sonoma County just for fun!

  4. Hey Joaquin,
    Uh, you don’t want to see the inside. Oh lordy no. Opening the door would only allow the contents to fall out upon the hay.