Five Things About Me – A mememeemeee

Alright, so here I was minding my own business, in a flu riddled state. You get the picture, right? Honking up small furry animals, eyebrow bone pains & sinus fire. When Christine of My Plate or Yours tagged me for this meme I wasn’t sure when I was going to be able to get to it.
I’m thinking here, thinking back. I believe out of all the memes that’ve been around, this is the first one I’ve ever joined in on. Why this time, you axe? Well, me thinks it’s time to start posting again. My sinus fire has embered, the eyebrow bone aches have ceased for the moment and to be honest, I miss Meathenge!

1. As amazing as I sound on MH, as brilliant, motivated and larger than life I seem, I would rather hang out at home than travel the country. When the weekend arrives, I’m more than happy to lounge about the house and yard. Maybe start a project I know I’ll never finish, use gas powered lawn implements or tear in to something and clean it out. Using a ladder really gives me a thrill, you can get to places that are otherwise out of your reach. Plus looking down in to your neighbor’s yard when they aren’t looking makes me feel naughty.
2. This isn’t new to some of you that know me, but I think it needs official mentioning here. Butter scares me. Well, okay scare isn’t quite the right word. I don’t like butter on my bread or vegetables or any place I can really smell it. I can bake with it as long as I don’t pay too much attention to it. And if I can detect ghee in a dish, I’ll wretch and want to rinse my mowf with Everclear.
3. I buy vehicles based upon whether they make me smile when I drive them or not. Safety, quality or durability have nothing to do with it (read: common sense). If I can smoke the tires through 2 or 3 gears, that’s good enough for me. I enjoy engines that sound huge when you play with them. This is NOT because they have some huge muffler, no. They must sound huge because they ARE huge. If you see some red bearded hillbilly doing 90mph with the window down in a dusty old Dodge truck, that’s me. Flip me off if you like, I enjoy that.
4. I had the side of my house landscaped only because I felt bad that my neighbors were looking at old weeds. Why didn’t I do it myself? Because it’s hard and they got it done in a few hours.
5. I keep friends for a long time. I work with my friend that I’ve known since 1972. I spend weekends with a friend from the same era. I keep track of roomates I had in 1985. I met someone in a class I was taking in 1990. He got me a job where he worked, that was 16 1/2 years ago and I’m at the same company today. Neat, eh?

Well, there we are, 5 things about me. I hope you’ve enjoyed this time together on this wet Thursday morning. Now it’s time to go take a nap.

9 thoughts on “Five Things About Me – A mememeemeee

  1. Hey pal! Try drivin’ on your own side of the road huh? Frickin’ BA Hillbillies! (calm down folks, that’s Bay Area HB’s)
    Mt first car was a 73′ Omega with a big 8 banger that went PLENTY fast, and after that a few years I drove a 72′ 3/4 ton Chevy that had 3 gas tanks, totaling 58 gallons when topped off! I do sorta miss those days….it’s good to hear you are out there forging on.
    Dude, I love butter, in just about all ways, unless it’s been handled too much. Like when they shape it into little turkeys and things like at banquets and stuff…yeah that grosses me out, and I’m not really sure why. And I will take your preferences info into account in all future food sharing.
    Hope you had a nice coastal time with the runts.

  2. Starting projects that you don’t finish?
    Ahh! Sounds familiar.
    What is it with us guys and that whole phenomenon?

  3. The only friends I’ve kept for any length of time are all online — I should take a hint or something (except that I’m the one that’s lousy at staying in touch).

  4. Dear Biggles, I think Eric got you sick:) or you got him sick, we were all sick! Much better now and the knife, tool and scissor sharpening class is on for this Monday, 2/26. We learned from Terry Paulding that one of the students writes for SF Mag and they are sending over a remarkable photographer, Mitch Tobias. You will marvel at his food photos. We’re going to make you more famous too! We’re feeling warm and fuzzy about you and your car.

  5. Hey everyone !!!
    Thank you so much for stopping by. I didn’t respond so quickly cause I grabbed the boys and spent a few days up in Ft. Bragg. It was an amazing time and expect some reviews.
    xo from us here at The Labs.

  6. You hate butter? How can you hate butter? It makes everything taste so good. Oh well, I guess I will forgive you because I still owe you big time for the stove burner adjusting (still fantastic).