Beautiful Roasted Chicken Meat

click the meat to really see
I’ve been sitting here in front of my keyboard attempting to find words to describe this chicken breast. I wasn’t going to post it, mostly because there didn’t seem to be anything here that I haven’t done before and/or often. But it is so pretty. Look at it. The colors, the texture, the contrast of the skin and bacon curling up. All you have to do is just ‘think’ bacon and you can taste it from here.

I made this one up special for my wife because last night I did pork chops and she ain’t hip. So I bought her a chicken breast instead, I didn’t think much of it at the time. No big deal ya know? Just do up a chicken breast.
I could tell, though. This one was going to be different this time. Earlier in the day I had been to The Spanish Table buying supplies to make some Paella. Look for that soon. One of the things I picked out was some Spanish Sweet Smoked Paprika. It tastes and smells better than anything in the world (today, for me). A chicken breast was a perfect test board for my new toy spice.
I layed the chicken breast out and pulled back the skin. I ever so carefully put down a strip of bacon and sprinkled the paprika over it along with some crushed Pebrella, ground some black pepper and closed the flap of skin back over. Olive oil over all with a bit more of the same spice & herb mixture.
Into a preheated 400 degree oven on a small broiler pan. About a half hour later … perfection of love meat art. I don’t know what it tasted like because my wife ate it all. Which she was supposed to have done, cause it was hers. I had my pork chop. Those were pretty too. See? Are yours this brown and tasty looking? They should be. Cause they’re good this way. Spiced only with kosher salt & heat.

It is evenings like this when I feel as though some of the most perfect meals can be something you make every week.

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